Shari Falkenheimer
Sharon A. ("Shari") Falkenheimer, MD, MPH, MA (Bioethics), PhD, has over 40 years of experience in a variety of roles including teaching, applied research, clinical medicine, medical leadership and planning. She began teaching short term overseas in 1978 and has taught in 30 nations. She mentors the Albany (NY) Medical College Christian Medical & Dental Associations group. Dr. Falkenheimer serves on the boards of the Christian Journal for Global Health and the Christian Academy of African Physicians.

Medical Education in Closed Countries
No countries are actually “closed” when it comes to healthcare professional education! There are long and short term opportunities as well as repetitive opportunities to share one’s expertise with colleagues in other countries. This workshop will outline the types of opportunities that exist and give examples of how different Christians and Christian organizations have taken advantage of the opportunities that exist. These include, for example, employment in medical facilities and healthcare professional schools, short term visits to teach desired topics, requested consultations from healthcare leaders and institutions, opportunities to participate in local, national and international conferences, government sponsored opportunities such as the Fulbright Scholar program, teaching opportunities in residency programs and international clinics, and opportunities to help educate community health workers.