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Three Kings

With nearly two decades of overseas higher education experience. The speaker currently serves in the marketplace ministries department of a mission agency. He develops resources for current and future tentmakers and entrepreneurs in the areas of faith-work integration and business planning. 

Family to meet on Zoom:

J & D recently moved to Southeast Asia with their three children to start a business that promotes the well-being and development of neurodivergent children. They recognize the need to nourish the mind, body, and soul of the child and caregiver through feeding therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and parent coaching. Prior to going overseas, they directed the training for churches and young adults in leadership and cross-cultural engagement with immigrants in a large US city. J has 10 years’ experience as a Registered Dietician Nutritionist and a graduate degree. D has 10 years’ experience as an engineer with two graduate degrees.

Three Kings

Faith-Work Integration on the Missions Field - Supporting Families of Neurodivergent Children

Meet a family (by Zoom) with the heart for those with developmental challenges as they navigate the need to establish a professional family service business while also blessing their community. Learn the principles of faith-work integration in serving overseas.

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